M&A Intelligence
Forward Global’s teams help our clients navigate the financial world, particularly investors and shareholders (investment funds, banks, asset managers, sovereign wealth funds, public or private companies wishing to acquire stakes, angel investors, collectors, etc.) by providing analysis, compliance, and investigative services. Our teams leverage a full spectrum of expertise to help clients understand and evaluate the risks surrounding a potential acquisition target, as well as verify and assess a target’s sustainable development and long-term strategic approach (ESG and CSR criteria).
M&A Intelligence investigations conducted every year
Number of investment fund clients
External ESG audits carried out in 2022
Evaluating acquisition targets
- Reputational and integrity due diligence on acquisition targets, including verifying beneficial owners and shareholdings, situational analysis of liabilities and ongoing disputes, verifying and assessing commercial references, connections, integrity, and reputation. Comprehensive public records due diligence and discreet human source intelligence to assess target companies, management teams, and operators.
- Background checks: verifying reputation, integrity, connections (particularly political), financial encumbrances, criminal records, and major civil disputes prior to senior executive or board appointments, as well as understanding risks connected to conflicts of interest and undisclosed related party transactions
- Analysis of markets and developments (regulatory, political, societal, or country risks, etc.) likely to impact the value and sustainability of a target’s operations and economic sector. In competitive bid situations, identifying potential leverage to aid investors in submitting a superior bid.
- Competitive analysis to determine acquisition targets’ position within their business environment.
ESG Due Diligence
- Evaluating acquisition targets’ compliance with ESG/CSR criteria, the extent to which sustainable development and long-term issues are incorporated in their corporate strategy, and the effectiveness of the measures put in place
- Mapping of acquisition targets’ internal governance
- Identifying and evaluating supply chains from an ESG/CSR perspective
- Situational analysis of internal and external alert procedures
Cyber Due Diligence & Risk Assessment
- Cyber auditing to assess a company’s exposure to threats and the robustness of technologies under development, including code audits, security audits, searches for data leaks, etc.
- Analysis of available cyber security documentation, including for cyber governance
Investor Due Diligence
- Reputational and compliance-focused due diligence, particularly in regards to money laundering and international sanctions (evaluating LPs, analyzing offshore companies, identifying and verifying sources of wealth, etc.)
- Investigations to assess the resources and solvency of financial actors in any transaction
Investor Relations & Transaction Communications
- Proactively assisting shareholders and/or management in engaging with stakeholders (such as investors, creditors, proxy solicitors, institutions, employees, clients…), facilitating efficient preparation for board meetings, and strategically managing negotiations with activist investors.
- Defense of shareholders or management in the event of an offensive financial operation.
- Providing long-term strategic communication and public relations management for financial entities, including support during special situations
- Crafting a socially responsible communication strategy for financial actors that emphasizes non-financial considerations and the long-term vision of management.
- Clarifying and increasing transparency around investor strategy and the motivations behind financial or restructuring operations for all stakeholders.
Board and Executive Vetting
- In line with the investors’ strategy and risk tolerance: vetting track records, success, failures, business acumen, judgment, and characters of senior executive and board candidates from public records reviews and discreet reference checks
- Detection of potential conflicts of interest, undisclosed related party transactions, and any other potential business risks.
Corporate Contests
- Assisting in defensive vetting of board incumbents, with a focus on strategic objectives and shareholder engagement
- Reviewing investor or company materials to identify misstatements, misrepresentations, or omissions
- Vetting potential nominees to boards and investigating track records, backgrounds, and fitness of character and temperament to perform the duties of a corporate director
- Independence testing to identify potential undisclosed related party transactions, interlocks, or other relationships of relevance
- Integrated solution that combines investigative research with unparalleled transactional communications sophistication to provide in-house and outside legal counsel and advisory teams with information and messaging needed to prevail
Forward Global’s dedicated entities
Our international and financial investigations teams

Our crisis communications division

Our cyber division