Litigation and Dispute Support
Forward Global assists parties involved in high-stakes or high-profile disputes. Our legal expertise, as well as our experience in multi-jurisdictional investigations, government affairs, and litigation communications enables us to support companies, executives, and their legal advisors across the world, whether in the context of litigation, arbitration, or any other contentious situation. We help our clients maintain control of complex legal disputes, avoid costly surprises by developing actionable intelligence, and deploy communications strategies that support a winning legal strategy.
Investigations carried out every year
Major public hearings supported by our teams
Data recoveries from all types of systems hardware over 20 years
Experts who have experience working on litigation support and investigations
Internal & External Investigations
- Identifying and safeguarding available data to protect the integrity of investigations, with a focus on admissibility and chain of control
- Forensic research to develop physical, financial, digital, or cyber evidence or intelligence
- Designing and deploying interview plans to support internal investigations
- Identifying and assessing conflict of interest situations
- Identifying and assessing potential assets and liabilities and helping to develop mitigation strategies
- Identifying reputational risks for companies or executives in the event of alleged fraud or litigation
- Assessing financial losses stemming from any criminal acts
- Identifying, vetting, and negotiating with retained technical experts
- Coordinating crisis teams responsible for steering investigations, managing any media response, responding to regulatory or governmental authorities, interacting with staff or clients, or handling legal responses
- Witness identification and vetting
- Preventive measures and awareness initiatives aimed at deterring wrongful acts
- Developing information to impeach opponents’ credibility
Recovery of Computer Data
- Identifying data available on all accessible media
- Preserving useful data
- Data recovery, regardless of volume and encryption protocols involved
- Data recovery from memory components and hard drives that have been physically damaged (mechanical or malicious incidents)
- Forensic analysis
- Selecting and mobilizing court-certified IT experts
Asset Tracing and Recovery
- Identifying debtors’ financial assets (via access to proprietary financial databases and court archives, access to documentation and registers in the public domain, media and digital research, field investigations, and discreet inquiries with relevant human sources)
- Assessing third party solvency and strength of financial guarantees prior to, during, and after proceedings
- Search for missing persons (suspicious disappearances, break in familial or professional contacts, forced displacements, flight, etc.)
- Search for heirs and beneficiaries
Competition Law Analysis & Strategy
- Implementing compliance and accountability programs for companies in the area of unfair competition
- Internal and external investigations and search for evidence to assess and demonstrate economic actors’ compliance with competition rules
- Searching for and mobilizing of academic experts capable of structuring relevant economic arguments in support of clients
- Support of clients in navigating relations with authorities involved in unfair competition investigations (DG COMP, WTO, OECD, DGCCRF, French Competition Authority, CMA, FTC, BKartA…)
- Help with assessing damage caused by unfair competition
- Promoting competition analyses via communications and institutional engagement plans
- Developing communications plans (media, institutional relations) promoting useful competition analyses
Expert Testimony
- Technical validation of the admissibility of expert testimony or evidence
- Research into conflicts of interest related to an expert involved in a dispute
- Support in identifying, evaluating, selecting, and replacing experts or witnesses
- Contractual negotiations with experts
- Preparation of experts and witness familiarization
Litigation Communications
- Preparation and management of public statements for executives and their lawyers
- Raising public awareness about the issues in a dispute in the lead up to a public hearing
- Identification, contacting and briefing of journalists covering a dispute
- Development and deployment of a strategic litigation communications plans to support the client’s legal strategy
- Managing legal press relations before, during and after trials
Forward Global’s dedicated entities
Our laboratory for processing and recovering sensitive and large datasets
Our subsidiary dedicated to crisis communication, notably under legal constraints

Our cyber subsidiary
Our subsidiary dedicated to financial investigations
