Launched in 2022, “OSINT Day”, organized in parallel with the inCyber Forum, brings together the entire OSINT community (experts, associations, professionals from the public and private sectors, etc.) and aims to highlight the practical uses of this method.
26 March 2024
Lille Grand Palais
Until recently, OSINT (Open Source Investigations) was a little-known technical skill set, but it has now established itself as a discipline in its own right. OSINT is used in a wide range of sectors, from the fight against various types of crime (cyber, physical, financial, etc.) to the protection of goods and people in times of armed conflict.
Launched in 2022, “OSINT Day”, organized in parallel with the inCyber Forum, brings together the entire OSINT community (experts, associations, public and private sector professionals, etc.) and aims to highlight the practical uses of the discipline. This day of talks is designed as an ecosystem-wide event, enabling the presentation of feedback on use cases in cybercrime, counter-terrorism, facilitating support for cyber Red Team audits, monitoring geopolitical tensions, detecting fraud, and reducing cryptocurrency-related scams, among others.
Key Figures
A look back at OSINT Day 2023

Ecosystem Generation and Hosting
Ecosystem Generation and Hosting