

Forward Global

Xavier has been the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Forward Global Group since April 2023. Xavier is a French Chartered Accountant and holds a Master’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, and Business Management from Sorbonne University.
He started his career at KPMG as a statutory auditor for 5 years. He spent the next 12 years at Deloitte in Audit and Transaction Services actively supporting fast-growing companies in their development. He was involved in approximately 40 transactions (Vendor Due Diligence, acquisition, restructuring,…) regarding mid-cap companies with revenue ranging from 20 to 200m€.
Before joining Forward Global group, he was the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a French Law firm for 4 years, where he created the Finance Department by recruiting a team of a dozen people and contributed to the firm’s expansion across France, Europe, China, and Singapore.